American White Ibis

Amerikaanse witte ibis

American White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)

De American White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) is een ibis uit de familie van de Ibissen en lepelaars (Threskiornithidae).


Nederlandse naam:
Amerikaanse witte ibis
Engelse naam:
American White Ibis
Duitse naam:
Franse naam:
Ibis blanc
Wetenschappelijke naam:
Eudocimus albus

Taxonomische indeling



Uiterlijke kenmerken:

Male and female:
American White Ibis adults have white plumage and pink facial bare skin. Bill and legs are red. Eyes are bluish white. In breeding plumage, facial skin, bill and legs become scarlet. They have black tips on primaries, conspicuous in flight. They have short tail. Red bill is down curved and long, with dark tip.

Both sexes are similar, with male larger than female.

Juvenile has paler bill and face than adults. Underparts are white. They have white wing bars and dark plumage on upperparts. Head and neck are white, heavily streaked with dark brown.


White Ibis is often found singly, in small groups or in large flocks by hundreds of birds. Juveniles are usually in separated flocks. White Ibis is highly gregarious, living in flocks. However, they defend their small nesting territory and show some aggressivity while mating, jabbing at rivals or catching wing or head’s opponent in their bill. They may steal food from each other, but larger species steal food from them too.

To feed, White Ibis walks slowly in shallow water while foraging. They sweep their bill from side to side, and probe at the bottom, to find aquatic invertebrates.

Then, it cleans its prey in the water before to swallow it. They also forage on mud or short grass, finding prey by touch, while probing, or by sight.

Maten en Gewicht

Lengte man:
De man (woerd) van de American White Ibis heeft een lichaamslengte van ongeveer 64-86 centimeters. De vrouw (pop) heeft een lichaamslengte van ongeveer 56-78 centimeters.
Gewicht man:
Het mannetje weegt ongeveer 750-1050 gram. Het vrouwtje weegt ongeveer 680-1020 gram.
Het gewicht is notoir variabel en kan alleen als indicatie worden gebruikt!

They nest in colonies mixed with other Ibis species and herons.
Nest is a platform made with sticks or reeds, and sometimes lined with fresh leaves. Both adults build the nest in trees above water, usually in branch crotches, but sometimes on the ground. Male brings material and female builds the nest.

Chicks hatch altricial and they are fed by both parents by regurgitation. They grow rapidly and they may fledge at about 28 to 35 days of age. They gather in colonies, always fed by parents during 40 to 50 days. They need about 7 weeks to become independent.

Het vrouwtje American White Ibis legt doorgaans zo'n 2-4 white or creamy eieren het broeden duurt 21-23 dagen.

Aanbevolen passende ringmaat voor de American White Ibis is 12 mm.
De gesloten pootring kan alleen aangebracht worden bij een jonge ibis van ongeveer 12 dagen oud.

It doesn't matter what leg that you band, but it's good to have a consistent system.
Suggested: Left leg = Female, Right leg = Male
Lundi Ibis See-Ente special
Lundi Ibis See-Ente special
Lundi Ibis See-Ente special
Lundi Ibis See-Ente special

Floating special complete food for sea birds with the highest nutritional requirements thanks to a particularly high protein content of 45%.

Ideal for daily feeding in animals that eat a lot of protein in their natural habitat. A must for "fish eaters".

Foto's van de American White Ibis

Video's van de American White Ibis