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    Polyester opfokbak

    Is natuurbroed geen optie? De polyester opfokbak is onmisbaar bij het kunstmatig opkweken van uw jonge sierwatervogels!

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    Lid van Aviornis?

    Aviornis is de vereniging voor liefhebbers van park- en sierwatervogels. Mede met een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift en interactieve digitale diensten ondersteund Aviornis haar leden.

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    Digitaal eieren schouwen

    Twijfel je of het embryo of kuiken in het ei nog leeft? Dan is de Buddy digital egg monitor voor jou een onmisbaar apparaat.

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Sierwatervogels.NL - For people who get involved in waterfowl aviculture.


Use this Bird Guide to identify more than 350 bird species that are members of the Aves family and occure in Aviculture. The Bird Guide contains information about taxonomy, habitat, breeding, feeding along with photos and videos of each bird species. The Bird Guide is intended as background information for the aviculturists. In the near future, the data in this Bird Guide will be enriched with lots of practical information.


Proline incubators from Hemel are made of high-quality insulated plastic panels and equipped with microprocessor control. You can set the temperature, humidity and cooling time at the touch of a button.

Hemel Proline Incubator


The Buddy digital egg monitor gives an accurate reading of both heart beat and movement in an un-hatched egg. Just place the egg of the sensor and close the lid to get the heart rate and movement shown on the LCD display.

Buddy digital egg monitor


The original special food for water birds, fish and zoo animals! 

  • Carefully selected and high-quality feed ingredients
  • Food produced for each group of animals according to individual needs
  • Sustainable health and great vitality
  • Developed by breeders and scientifically proven



Camptorhynchus labradorius Gmelin, 1789 - Labrador duck (replica) (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA). The never-common Labrador duck is an extinct species of North American Eastern Seaboard sea duck. Not surprisingly, its late 1800s extinction was due to human activity.

The dramatic demise of the labrador duck

In a world where the threat of extinction looms large, the tragic history of the Labrador Duck,…


Shoebill Abou moves to Exmoor Zoo

The Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) called "Abou" was born in 2008 in Pairi Daiza, an animal park in…

Purple Sandpipers

Studying movements of purple sandpipers

As part of an ongoing study of Purple Sandpipers (Calidris maritima - Sendlinger) in NE Iceland…


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<span property=Angel Wing " title="Angel Wing " />

Angel Wing

Angel wing, also known as airplane wing, slipped wing, crooked wing, and drooped wing, is a syndrome that affects primarily waterfowl, such as geese and ducks, in which the last joint of the wing is twisted with the wing feathers pointing out laterally, instead of lying against the body. Males develop it more frequently than females. It has also been reported in cranes.

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Use this bird guide to identify more than 147 bird species that are members of the Aves family and occure in aviculture. Information about characteristics, biotope, breeding, feeding, ring size, regulation and cites and, if available, photos and videos. The bird guide is intended as background information for the aviculturists. In the near future the data in this bird guide will be further extended with lots of practical information.


Lundi Regular

Packing size: 15 kg

Lundi Regular is a buoyant maintenance food for water ornamental fowl of all kinds, which do not rely on a high protein content.

The elaborately extracted fodder bricks…

Lundi Ibis lake duck special

Packing size: 15 kg

Some sea ducks live in the natural habitat mainly of fish or fish protein. They therefore require a very high proportion of protein in their daily diet, because the bacterial…

Lundi Kranich Regular

Packing size: 15 kg

The special complete food offers your cranes nature-appropriate nutrition in excellent quality and stabilizes additionally the metabolism of your animals.
